Our Services
Monthly Membership
Prophetic Ancestry is a generational family ran business, we pride ourselves on the work that we do and our goal is to make it accessible for everyone we possibly can while offering the work necessary for you. Within that we wanted to offer a monthly membership that offers long term care, where you’re getting all of the work necessary and needed specifically for you. Intuitively diving into your energy on a month to month basis, with communications and PDFs updating you on what work is done, with visuals to give you a better understanding. A lot of the people we work with long term i’ve noticed align with their correct pathway quicker, feeling happier, their overall health and physical wellbeing improves significantly. Our goal is to build long lasting connections with people we work with and be the support necessary.
Energetic Clearing
Energy clearing is a multitude of things, through this process we look at your aura, how things show up throughout your aura, making sure to clear and patch up anything necessary for your energy to flow. As we move through life, trauma, and emotions, we tend to pick up on energy, and sometimes we don’t know how to process is. It stays stagnant creating issues within your auric field. This is where we come in and tell you what we see, what we cleared for you, making sure to align everything back up in the right way for you to feel better overall. Followed up with a PDF of how and what we did for you.
Connecting W/ a Loved One
This is where we connect you with a loved one who has passed on, this is where we answer any questions, or better yet your loved one answers any questions you might have for them. Any messages they want relayed to you, ultimately our goal is to connect you and your loved so when you leave our session you feel like a part of you is healed and you got to say what you needed to say.
Deep Dive Work
The Deep Dive is all of everything we have to offer wrapped up in one, this is not always necessary which is why a consultation is perfect to begin with, however this is a very intricate process one session can take up to a few days to completely finish working continuously. The work varies from person to person, so by consulting with us we will explain and break down the work necessary for you before jumping in so you have a better understanding of how things will work for you.
Chakra Tuning
A person has many chakras within their body that all have different meaning, starting from your Root Chakra working your way up to the Crown Chakra all of which make up your energetic body, and energetic field. When each chakra gets blocked things can feel off, our energies, our emotions, many things. So our goal with this is to give you a tune up, and to follow sharing with you which Chakras needed work, what each Chakra means, to give you a better understanding of the work done, and so you can understand how to continue balancing your Chakras long term.
Picture Reading
This type of reading is one where you send a picture of only you, so we can do a deep dive and give you a reading on things that might be wrong health wise, something we have focused on throughout our years of doing readings, so much so that we have saved peoples lives by urging them to go get specific things checked out, which they did and got the medical care that they needed. This is not medical care in anyway, and no recommendations on medications, or procedures needed. Just something to take back to your primary care doctor too nudge them to look into.